Invitation to Join
The CBC/SRC Association, BC Chapter welcomes all staff, contract, casual, performers and retirees, regardless of the length of service.
On November 2, 1957, the 21st Anniversary of CBC, a group of employees (both retired and continuing) formed a club known as "the CBC Pioneers Club" with chapters in Ottawa and Montreal and Toronto. On May 1st, 1961 the concept and the name was changed to "the CBC Twenty Year Association". Originally you had to have 25 years of service to be a member, in 1961 this dropped to 20 years (hence the name change). A few years ago, the 20 year stipulation was waived by the CBC 20 Year Association Executive to reflect the reality of CBC staffing changes and since then has welcomed all staff, contract, casual, performers and retirees, regardless of the length of service. In 2019 the name was officially changed and is now The CBC/SRC Association, BC Chapter.
Who to call to join
The CBC/SRC Association, BC Chapter Secretary Peggy Oldfield at 604 662-6409
Who is eligible
Staff, Contract, Casual,Performers, Retirees, regardless of length of service.
Purpose of the Club
To keep present and past CBC staff & alumni in touch, in friendly social gatherings outside the work environment. To promote camaraderie between past and present employees. To inform members of upcoming CBC events.
Cost of membership
$15.00 (Membership Year, April 1st to March 31st)
Don't forget that April 1st marked the beginning of a new year for The CBC/SRC Association, BC Chapter and that means it's past time to renew your membership if you haven't already done so. Dues are $15.00 and your cheque, payable to The CBC/SRC Association, BC Chapter, should be mailed to our Treasurer, Mrs. Jacquie Fitzgerald (contact Peggy Oldfield at 604-662-6409 for address). If you prefer to pay in cash, you may leave it in an envelope at the CBC Security Desk marked to the attention of Peggy Oldfield. Thank you! Don't forget that with membership you will see a longer version of the Auld Acquaintances column and other nostalgia writings that do not appear on the website. Anyone who worked at CBC in any capacity (staff - permanent, temporary, casual, contract; and performers) for any length of time is welcome to join.